Tidbits @ Kassemi

A collection of opinions, thoughts, tricks and misc. information.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Matchstd.com Hits CNN!

Hello everyone,

My first big site ever, http://www.matchstd.com, has made CNN headline news this morning... It's great to see that happen... I only wish that I had been informed. Late into last night I was programming when I had an urge to eat. So I went to the kitchen, opened the frigde, pulled out a block of swiss, a tortilla and a hard-boiled egg... I cut the swiss into tiny blocks, placed it in the middle of the tortilla, peeled the shell off of the egg, and crumpled it's contents on top of the cheese... Opened the microwave, shoved it in, set it for a minute, and turned the TV on to HLN... I usually watch that and then a few hours of C-SPAN before going to bed...

The microwave beeped and I went to get my food, as I heard over the speakers: "... new service allows people with certain medical attentions to find each other, free, and anonymous..." I rushed over to the TV, hit the rewind button on the Tivo, and sure has hell we'd made the news!

So I ran into my roommate's room, and yelled at her to get up. We watched the segment, took a look at our membership numbers, and found that we'd gotten about 40 members since we had checked earlier in the morning! We're experiencing a heavy load at the moment... At JUST the wrong time, too. You heard me ramble on about the new Zippo for mod_python... Well, that's not ready yet. I was hoping to get a new site rolled out by Wed that would handle that kind of load, but now I'm really rushing it...

Anyway, good news.... Just not great timing. mpZippo will be running a version of the site by Wednsday, hopefully. It seems to be a lot faster with certain tasks (like displaying raw data), and a little slower with others (continuations, etc)... But it's a hell of a lot more stable all the way around, and we won't be giving users any nasty little service drops...

Take it easy everyone,

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